The other place you might have luck is Sewing Machine Warehouse, 17776 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, TX 77070, ask to speak to the manager when calling 28. Good Luck! The family has been doing business with his company since the 1930's. Ask for Doug when calling 71, or write to him 1301 Yale, Houston, TX 77008. Bob McDougal's Sewing Machines recently sold me the bobbins and a presser foot for a White Rotary Machine with the Serial # E-6354 & Motor # 3A-250V.

I don't know the answer, but I know two places you can look. It's real hard to put a figure on it, but it looks like people are valuing the ones they have on Ebay for around $150, on average, so I'd value a vintage White sewing machine at around $100 to $110. I've been researching the White sewing machine question for another forum, and came across this one. I am having trouble finding any information about the old White machines, even on their web site. I just found a White Family Rotary U.S.A. Loretta I have one also FR2490938,last patent June 3 1913. Would like to know how much this is worth and any information about it. FR2446-944, LAST PATENT JUNE 3 1913, CLEVELAND OHIO. I have a 1913 white rotary sewing machine in mint condition.