provide auxiliary power to PCI-E video cards that require >75W added four +12V lines to power the CPU and motherboard connects to the motherboard (newer models) added two +12V lines to power the CPU and motherboard connects to Serial ATA devices (SATA HDD/ODD) sometimes used to provide auxiliary power to AGP video cards connects to ATA devices (IDE HDD/ODD), fans, case lightings, etc. 24-pin for ATX12V 2.x (provide extra power to PCI-E slots) In worst cases, a low-quality PSU would literally \"explode\" when loaded to its rated power and ultimately damaging your PC hardware. On the other hand, a low-quality PSU can cause a variety of problems that are mostly difficult to solve. A good-quality PSU can increase the durability of your equipment and reduce your electricity bill. If the processor is considered as the brain of the PC, the PSU should be considered as the heart of it, supplying \"blood\" to your hardware.

We forget to remember that the PSU is the one that \"fuels\" all those PC parts. Most of the time, users would just buy a casing with built-in generic PSU. Majority of the budget will be used to purchase the top hardware and what remains would go to the PSU. When buying a computer, most users will consider it as the least important part and will just place it at the bottom of his consideration list. The power supply unit (PSU) is probably the most neglected component on the PC. > PSU tier list 2.0 (from Tom\'s Hardware forum) How much power can a generic 500W PSU really deliver? I welcome any of your suggestion and correction to further improve this thread. Most PSU models that will be discussed here are those available in local shops or from TPC members. The sources of the data will be included where applicable. This thread will be updated from time to time as more information becomes available. This would also be a learning resouce and Q&A thread for PSU suggestions/computations to help members in their buying decisions. I created this thread to help members appreciate the PSU as a critical component of the PC.