Sex over, it soon becomes apparent this is a one-night stand, as they confess that neither even knows the other’s name. They’ve clearly skipped to the bodily fluid section of their relationship as the film opens in a flurry of orgasmic (sub Je T'Aime, Moi Non Plus) breathiness and a tussle of bedclothes. The couple in question are Daniela (Blanca Lewin) and Bruno (Gonzalo Valenzuela). If you imagine that scenario boiled down into an hour and a half and stick the couple in question in a motel room with a handheld camera, you could probably pen the screenplay for writer Julio Rojas and director Matías Bize’s film yourself. There’s a swapping of names, the swapping of shared experiences, swapping of bodily fluids (if you’re lucky) and swapping of angst, possibly with rows along the way and not necessarily in that order. Relationships - if you’ve ever been in one, you’ll know the drill.